A "dress (or un-dress) rehearsal" for sex. Practicing with a friend or experienced individual before your first real deal. Can be said while simultaneously making "putting" motion, i.e., as if before starting a game of mini-golf.
"I talked with her the other day, and she's totally willing to be your practice hole if you're interested."
by diiiiicky laf. February 4, 2008
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Cocaine, meth, or any powdered drug that is so crumby all it is good for is snorting practice.
That dope he's selling ain't good for nothing but snorting practice.
by googalewski March 8, 2020
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Basically means that ur good for a first time eg first shag or First girlfriend, someone easy to loose ur virginity to. And then when you know what to do you fuck them off and get with someone better
Bro I don’t actually like her she’s just good practice
by Yoyoyoyipussyboi November 9, 2019
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Practical Deistology is the practical area of deistology that seeks on putting the technodeist technologies and technologies for search for extraphysical beings in practice, the elaboration of experiments related to the search for extraphysical beings and the experimentation and/or analysis of the hypothesis related to extraphysical life forms.
"Practical deistology is a really based area of study, but it will probably only start to be developed like in 10-20 years from now such as the whole technodeist movement and the deistological area."

"Practical deistology might be the last hope of spiritual people and of several other groups to find out if extraphysical beings and life really exist or not, such as the whole existence of extraphysical worlds and dimensions."
by Full Monteirism March 6, 2021
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When each partner in the relation ship has a side hoe so 50% of effort goes into each relationship
Me and that girl have a side hoe so we are only practically dating
by Cazkis December 26, 2015
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Guy 1:I have choir practice
Guy 2:You know choir practice just means going poop in the McDonald's bathroom
Guy 3: I can McPoop wherever I McWant, McBitch
by Hamtaro March 15, 2020
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