An activity where you mow and you show. Similar to show and tell except you Mow And Show.
by WhErE aRe ThE aVaCaDoEs August 9, 2019
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The act of destroying in an online video game or sport
basically any event in which you embarrass other participants by being better than them.
"You evan i was playing battlefield one today and my kd was 37 and 8, i was straight mowing niggas"
by Mandragoon101 April 10, 2017
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Any yard work performed with the promise of oral sex as compensation
Joe: "How much did you earn doing yard work today son"
Billy: "Only $20, but I was orally abused by the lady in the house down at the end of the street."
Joe: "Ah, nothing like the summer mow-job"
by samweis August 24, 2011
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A phrase or statement that ladies say when they just got the D.
Usually used as a creative way to hide from the public she just got the D.
"Girl after I left the club last night,
Derrick came over and mowed my yard good honey."
by Homeboy12 July 1, 2014
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