A "chud" is a penis that is fatter than it is long. In common usage, a chud can also refer to a penis that has equal circumference or greater compared to its length.

Chud is popularly used as a metaphor, to refer to any kind of fucking degen.
"That guy just got caught shoplifting, now he outside in handcuffs looking like a fucking chud LMAO"

"I'm not climbing onto that chud, I won't feel a thing" - your now ex-girlfriend
by Bersient June 4, 2020
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this word is often used as an insult (one may say derogatory). “chud” could relate to a bum.
by slang_gang123 April 20, 2019
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An inversion of the natural order.
A man that seeks to be a natural aristocratic Chad but lacks the masculine qualities (intelligence,honour, dignity, strength, integrity)to be such.
The Chud seeks power and authority,but is never fit to have either.
A Chud will typically be given positions of power through nepotism or brown-nosing ,never through competence or merit.
Remus: did you see Justine Trudeau flipping burgers at the Calgary stampede?

Romulus:....ughhhh...what an absolute Chud.
by Raven_of_Raisins July 20, 2022
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When you make a bet with someone but is too much of a fucking degenerate to pay up.
"I bet you $20 Team 1 wins"
"Alright deal, but if Team 2 wins you owe me $20"
*Team 1 wins*
"Fuck you I'm not paying you"
"Bro quit being a Chud"
by graphh January 21, 2020
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another word for bubble gum, commonly used in the UK.
oi pass us a chud yeah?”
by r@hh May 14, 2021
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