Something funny Coach from the video game Left 4 Dead 2 says.
Coach: I could go for a... BBQ Bacon Burger, a large order of fries, orange soda with no ice, and a piece of hot apple pie!
Coach: Mista... I don't think I like yo attitude.
by pussyhound420 October 30, 2023
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A sexual adventure with 3 or more people. While two are performing missionary sex, they are simultaneously getting their asses eaten after the added members just finished eating hot wings.

Aka saucey group tackle.
Its was weird last night after your parents got home from Buffalo Wild Wings when they wanted to join in and make it a missionary bbq.
by Tits-and-grits July 19, 2022
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noun. White-collar community slang for sliding into the DMs of another married individual and having an extramarital affair.
My friend Cal is having California BBQ with a combat veteran's wife.
by BRabbit70 October 5, 2020
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A chick who consumes so many free beans from a bbq pot, that they are no doubt the queen.
After six cups of free beans, I know my gurl is the bbq bean queen!
by GlazeHer April 18, 2017
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The act of incinerating 12 engineers to a fiery death to save 2500 bunker inhabitants from being irradiated.
Inferno performed a Yorkshire BBQ at the air purifier
by Swifty83 June 22, 2018
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A person who sells BBQ as a front to sell grams of marijuana.
Hey let’s go to the BBQ dealer to score a gram
by BBQ Dealer January 4, 2020
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A popular version of butter presented at the table as a Butter Block having had a Phalis imprinted into it. What a conversation starter over a Knob of corn.

1) Use a large (or small) block of butter.
2) Allow butter to soften to a moldable texture

3) Press the male phalis (real or fake) into the butter to a recognisable impressed shape
4) Refrigerate again.
5) Place on BBQ table closest to target guest.
Here Felicity, would you like some BBQ Butter on your knob?
Hi Simone, will this hit the spot?
by Miccas Yesac June 13, 2021
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