A chunky, lumpy, brontosaurus looking broad that claims to be a bad bitch. A batch is usually a bitch who looks like a batch of bitches stuffed into one big bitch. When a bunch of bitches huddle behind a camera to take a selfie, they are considered a batch.
John Smith: Dude what the fuck happened to your sofa?

Professor Cos: I had this batch on my sofa last night and she got hungry and ate a piece of the cushion.

John Smith: Holy shit, this is why I never allow pets in my house.

Professor Cos: I never had any pets over. I'm talking about the fat bitch who lives upstairs.

John Smith: Be careful Cos! A batch will eat anything that isn't tied down.

Professor Cos: Wait, what was that noise??

John Smith: Bro, there's a crack in your ceiling!!

"CREAK"...... "CRASH"......... "BANG"

Professor Cos: Holy Smokes!

John Smith: I think she's dead dude.

Professor Cos: Feed her Some Sofa.

John Smith: This is one heavy batch. I think she's gonna need like 3 sofas.
by Professor Cos October 14, 2015
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Batch- a definition make by Makayla a child of god so you don’t have to say the b word
Omg you batch.
by Makaylagurl August 5, 2021
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1. a number of humans regarded as sets, or groups, based on quantity or interest, typically because they are not particularly worthy of one's time individually
I'm having brunch with a batch of sales folk.
by TheBigAL May 28, 2015
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Something a wool says but its clearly a barm
D: Can I have a batch

M: Its a barm you fucking wool.
by NotaWool November 23, 2016
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A file on a windows computer that executes some of the simplest code ever. Often used by script kiddies to trick their friends that they're "hacking".
<Skid> Bro I'm hacking the main frame.
<Friend> Nah dude thats a batch file.
by wyatt445 February 21, 2021
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