A slut who huffs so much genitalia they end up full to their eyelids.
Dude! Stay away from that Spooge Tank! She’s got like 5 septillion chromosomes in there!
by Harpoon#1 March 15, 2021
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A safety device that is used after spooging in hot-tub, pool, etc., and the spooger has the skimmer to get rid of the evidence prior to another using the water works.
Dan knew he was in trouble when he couldn’t locate a spooge skimmer.
by Kid Blue April 4, 2023
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A marijuana brownie that has been laced with the dealer's creamy cum. Only given to people who say "Yo let me get the brownie now and I'll pay you later."

Cause that's some shit
"Man, I should've given the dealer the money first."
"He threw me a spooge brownie"
by Zootyscooty October 24, 2016
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Making an ejaculation come out much harder by squeezing the penis very tightly until it explodes out
She did a Spooge Booster on me dayum it shot on the ceiling
by Flaplaya September 30, 2019
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A place where spooge is stored, testicles.
He unloaded his spooge lockers on his/her face.
by bob3_9 May 18, 2011
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Grandad walked round tesco with spooge all over his face and hands was demoted to the frozen section where he pestered Haagan Dasz ice cream and threatened to stab some cunt
by grandadlee January 7, 2015
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A simile for cum or the act of cumming or cum mixed with other bodily fluids
I'm gonna spooge on her face.. or she had spooge dripping out of her ass
by Pageman818 September 26, 2018
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