Rumble Quest is a game on ROBLOX that retarded dickheads play 24/7 as if they're more addicted to it then drugs
If you're planning to play Rumble Quest, the effects of doing so are:
Type 2 Diabetes
Explosive Diarrhea
pp small
small brain
licking sourcel's armpits
and being depressed
Eric: Rumble Quest is played by gay people who suck prince's toes
by EvilGamer January 13, 2020
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To go on a google adventure, trying to google something when you dont know what you want to google. If you dont have the words to google what you want to google, you start a google quest to get to what you are googling.
Trying to search the recipe of a food but you dont remember its name, so you start a google quest to find the name of the food first so that you can find its recipe after, your simple googling has now turned into a quest to reach your initial google.
by shanktank09 August 16, 2020
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When in order to complete a project, you have to obtain multiple things or achieve multiple goals that incur some difficulty to get, some of which involve their own little Zelda Quests. Usually caused by disorganised, balls-to-the-wall tweaking over the past week or not enough good nookie.
Getting that room painted is gonna be such a goddam Zelda Quest, I'm burnt just thinking about it.....
by Abird Ofsomekind7 October 21, 2020
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When your on the quest for some hoes
Yo, joe! Im on a booty quest in florida! Gettin laid is what its all about!
by Пепси человек October 25, 2020
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A VR headset made by Facebook / Oculus in 2019. Notably sold out throughout quarantine and resold on eBay for up to $1000.
"What did you get for your B-Day?"
"I got Quest!"
"Whoa bro you lucky!"
by ONIONSAREGUD October 10, 2020
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