My Chemical Romance is a band just like Green Dayand Backstreet Boys. All though there is a huge gap in between Green Day and BSB music wise, they are both bands.

MCR do not label themselves "emo" and I simply do not see how they are either. Their songs "I'm Not Okay" and "Helena" are the only songs practically mentioned in the previous definitions, they have other songs too like "Our Lady Of Sorrows" and "Give 'Em Hell Kid".

Gerard Way, lead singer, is not in any way "emo" and has good fashion sense. He does not promote self harm or suicide. Gerard is just a normal guy in the world that doesn't deserve being insulted by those who listen to 50 Cent and Aaron Carter.

And none of the members is "mine" and they definitly do not want your babies. So STFU.
Teenie: ZOMG iZn'T gErAlD fRoM cHeMiCaL rOmAnCe HAWT??!!
Fan: No. "Gerard" from "My Chemical Romance" is talented and not just easy on the eyes.
by Kii Kii February 9, 2007
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A band from New Jersey, usually bashed for being popular among "emo" kids. Their guitar work gets repetitive and boring, but the lyrics aren't so bad. They're a terrific band live actually. Most refer to them as MCR.
Guy #1: I saw My Chemical Romance last weekend.

Guy #2: omgzzzz they're liek sooo 3moooo.

Guy #1: Actually, when you look past that they're not all that bad.
by CrystalAanen March 21, 2008
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A New Jersey-based softcore punk band.
To date (Nov, '07), they have three full-lengths out. I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (Commonly abbreviated to Bullets); Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge (Abb. Revenge); and The Black Parade (Abb. TBP).

This band doesn't deserve half the shit they cop. People judge them over their mainstream songs - these songs are not their best, and the band as a whole should not be judged on them. No band should.

This band has a way of saving lives. Something about their lyrics, their passion, their emotion and what their frontman has been through has the ability to save people.

Frontman/Vocalist: Gerard Way
Lead Guitarist/Backup Vocalist: Ray Toro
Rhythm Guitarist/Backup Screamo: Frank Iero
Bassist: Mikey Way
Drummer: Bob Bryar, formerly Matt Pelissier.

This band are often called 'emo' because of their emotional lyrics and 'dark' dress sense.
The truth of the matter is, there is a fine line between emo and softcore punk. My Chemical Romance fall into the latter.
Elizabeth put Revenge on the CD player one night when she was about to kill herself, and it brought her back down.

"Dude, my chemical romance are weak faggots! Listen to that 'Love You' song! It's gay as!"
"Hey, give them a break! Have you even heard a song like Thank You For The Venom or Our Lady Of Sorrows?"
by Mandahhh Murders Mayhem. November 4, 2007
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Like semen, but with more wankers involved.
"I haven't got laid in a while; I'm going to knock one out, spill some of my chemical romance over Shirley next door, if you catch my drift"
by Oft Disgruntled March 3, 2006
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a truely fantastic band out of jersey whose music sends shivers down one's any one reading this really needs a definition...

who gives a fuck what genre their music falls under...WHO GIVES A FUCK? all you need to know is that it is could anyone not like it if they truely gave it a chance?

for those who say they hate it...what do YOU listen to? chances are you just have bad taste...but don't be ashamed...not everyone can help it.
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
by why...hello there July 2, 2005
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amazing band that i saw on the 9th april up london astoria. Very good band live! was also gerards birthday!!
if you wanted honesty thats all you had to say...
by Dina (death threat girl) April 11, 2005
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Ok, too much arguing. My Chemical Romance are a fantastic band who have worked hard to get the popularity that they recieve. Although MTV has played I'm Not OK too much, MCR are not any worse for it. They are brilliant, all their songs are great. It doesn't matter where they fit, everyone should shut up about what genre they are in and listen to the music. They do't claim to be anything they aren't, and it is up to the fans to decide what genre they fit into, not the people who hate MCR, beause it shoulden't matter to them unless they have severe mental problems. Leave MCR alone if you don't like them! Gerard Way is not gay, neither are any of the other members.
my chemical romance Hater1- "MCR is stupid emo crap!"
MCR HAter2- "MCR is definately not punk"
blah blah blah

MCR Fan- "listen to the music. If you don't like it, just shut up and stop saying how much you hate it. No-one is forcing you to listen to it. Turn MTV off if it annoys you that much."
by Karlludo April 17, 2006
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