Aja said it. As in Asian people. It's a sexual reference to shoving vegetables of varying size into the anal gland.
I begged her to give me the banshee vegetables.
by NoClue February 17, 2014
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A fruit and or a vegetable used as a masturbatory aid. Popping a hole in a grapefruit, apple, or any other large squishy fruit for male intercourse or a female using a carrot or cucumber.
Guy 1: This guy on Good Luck Chuck used a grapefruit as a passion fruit.

Guy 2: That's sick and I was gonna eat that.

Boyfriend: Hey babe. Why does this cucumber smell funny.
Girlfriend: Oh sorry that's my passion fruit/vegetable
by DefenderoftheFaith January 7, 2011
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Harry Styles eats these thing for various benifits.
Interviewer (about hair): It grows back really fast, is there a product you are using?
Harry: (confused smiley "its kinda obvious " face) : vegetables.
by notFancyveryNancy June 12, 2021
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"no way bro look at that vegetable over there! wanna hear a joke? what part of a vegetable cant you cook? the wheelchair."
by gossipgirlsxxoo November 10, 2022
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its like a fruit but no sweetness. instead its used for salad and other thing, people like it for the savoury
by among us in real life sus sus September 9, 2020
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A DISGUSTING thing that literally no CHILD will eat
They stink
But peaches well *Whistles* They look like them big fat pink BOOTYS
Mom Ok sweetie time to eat ur vegetables
*Kid proceeds to beat his mother ferociously until she is bleeding*
by RandomKidThatYouDontKnow October 9, 2019
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This is a very unknown gaming term, for only the brightest gamers use it. Unlike noob used by a retard, vegetables are players whom are weak and useless to the team. Vegetables can be used in solo games though, but it is more commonly used when describing a trashy teammate.
"Is camping all you can do you pathetic vegetable?"

"I mopped the floor with a group of vegetables in Call of duty"
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