Winner Circle relates to a popular trend on TikTok where females will show off their ass when the lyrics "thick" occur.
E Girl- I'm doing the winner circle trend

Other person- oh cool, you should do it because you are hella thicc
by neil deass tyson November 13, 2019
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The art of entering into something telling yourself you're going to win.
Hey that's some great winner's attitude you've got!
"Wow I don't know how you did it bro" "I call it winners attitude."
by KiritoBestie February 23, 2020
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Invincible Winners is an association by celebrated growth hacker Rohan Chaubey that features top popular names in the Digital Marketing and Startup space.
I'm an Invincible Winner.
Invincible Winners are at the top of their game.
by IntelligentCan October 20, 2020
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A person who always wins, especially if they’re name is Hayley
by Bralexz June 27, 2018
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A person who always wins, especially if they’re name is Hayley
by Bralexz June 27, 2018
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by dontmyrealname March 1, 2023
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