A GP is a girl who is not cute to the person who called them a GP. They say GP because its stands for a girl who must have a "great personality" thats why someone would date them. definitely not for their looks though.

term is coined by ant williams j.williams and C.turner from what i know
hey man look at the girl over their" "eww she is definitely a GP
by laughattack April 9, 2011
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Let’s run a gp rn
(Let’s figure out the game plan for right now)
by Stayhydrated September 11, 2019
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A Group Pee - when a group (typically guys) all go to the bathroom to bool and to pee
Tryna go to the bathroom for a GP. Or simply “GP?”
by Beppen22 September 27, 2019
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AKA a general practitioner, or a physician with no particular specialty.

A medical doctor who treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education to patients.
My GP thought it was acute eczema, but felt more comfortable recommending me to a dermatologist to diagnose and decide my course of treatment.
by jayayay March 24, 2019
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Stands for goth pussy, and is used in reference when usually having sexual intercourse with a gothic/grunge girl, which were popularized in the 90's and early 2000's.
Mark: ayo i'm gonna get some gp tonight from Scarlett

Jacob: woah have fun dude!
by wordmaster232 July 12, 2021
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