so basically doop means like the walmart version of something.
Sees someone wearing fake Gucci

Gucci doop
by Jolina collens April 18, 2023
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Oh my god, quit being such a doop.
Perkins is the biggest doop I know.
by leang14 September 24, 2017
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Wow I know Bucky has a good job, but that guy is a doop outside of work!
by bucknascious June 23, 2020
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A word used to replace adjectives in a conversation for comedic effect, or used to replace adjectives with the intent of insulting the reader or using an insulting word.
"What the doop is going on here?"
"Like doop, what's her problem?"
by TheRealFakeErin December 27, 2019
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Someone who kisses men and is still somehow extremely homophobic
"Oh my god, It's Doop! I heard he kissed a gay stripper last night and then verbally assaulted him afterwards!"
by Quinnshroom March 4, 2023
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