contrary to the use of winky and dink this is not profanity. nor does it refer to body parts of any sort.

winky-dink-a-dinky-doodle is a representation of sounds that one can use to apply to any form of music or song where the lyrics have been forgotten.

or simply when one is singing along to an instrument part.

this phrase is particularly useful in the fine art of home butchered Jazz and Ragtime. Ragtime is probably its oldest living relative.
he'd forgotten the most of the words, so he sang

"oh baby, we're gonna wink this winky-dink- a-dinky-doodle"

(instead of "oh baby wer'e gonna shake this city with power metal!")
by Eric C. Harrison October 17, 2007
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A phrase created to be used as a substitute for swearing at someone. Means basically the same as "fuck off," only it's school-appropriate.
Stupid Person: Hey, let me see your math homework. I didn't finish mine.

You: Dude, no one likes you. Go eat a winky waffle.
by Lady Monday November 2, 2006
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It's the ending of the 90's children's show Teletubbies

Referring to the ending of a day with someone you spend the whole day with
A: Wow what a day, I think you should do this again sometime ..
B:yeah we should

A:alright then see you later

B: Bye bye tinky winky
A:bye bye
by Bssmaa September 13, 2017
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Tinky-Winky La La derived from the Teli-Tubi language. This translates into English as (in a high pitched voice) “I am humping a large whale suckas
I Tinky-Winky La La-ed last night bros.
by Claire March 11, 2005
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it’s that teletubbies remix on tiktok
girl: can i sing for you?
boy: yea sure
boy: OMG
boy: you’re amazing
boy: i love you
girl: IT’S A SOLO
by pem from ssp June 16, 2020
The Winky P is the epitome of flirtatious action over text. It is the perfect combination of a winky face and a teasing :P face bred by the gods themselves. It is not meant to be used in every day situations, only when you really want to display your extreme desire to bed the other person.
A text example:

Jack: Hey Chrissy, girl you should come see me more often ;P

Chrissy: Haha oh you think so? That winky P was really sexy, of course I will!
by MattzBallz November 10, 2013
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A small penis the size you might expect on a baby.
Josh in our chemistry class has a baby winky. I know because I hooked up with him at the party at Betsy's house this past weekend. I had sex with Josh upstairs, but his penis was so small, I would call it a baby winky, some girls call it a baby dick or baby penis, but so small.
by Sara from Chemistry class April 29, 2014
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