A motherfucker who looks like a vegetable. Most common is the shape of a leek or a broccoli.
A: Isn´t that Billy over there?

B: That vegetable lookin´ass motherfucker again?

A: Yes.
by Scharcoon February 27, 2018
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Drinking alcoholic beverages, specifically beer.
I went out with Brad last night and we were moving the vegetables!
by JacobWhite6 April 24, 2023
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Drinking alcoholic beverages, specifically beer
I went out with Brad last night and we were moving the vegetables!
by JacobWhite6 April 24, 2023
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When a woman uses a vegetable to pleasure herself.
Stacy and that cucumber are going to be vegetable buddies.
by Tdub57 January 16, 2019
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A Human-like substance made entirely from soy products.
get a load of these flagrant SoyBeings™ or TVP (Textured Vegetable People) over here
by ROCKARD November 8, 2020
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Aja said it. As in Asian people. It's a sexual reference to shoving vegetables of varying size into the anal gland.
I begged her to give me the banshee vegetables.
by NoClue February 17, 2014
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A term used for mounting and riding a mong.
He's a right vegetable biker he is.
by crispie March 1, 2012
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