Critically over-analyzing something someone texted, IM'd, or wrote on your profile's wall.
"Maggie must hate me, she didn't text back that she loves me."
"Dude, stop being textually overanalyztical. Just put the phone down, and lets go fishing."
by ALJOVIDO November 12, 2007
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When you’re dating someone, and you text often between datws
It’s been 2 weeks since date #2, but we’re textually active, so we’re still moving forward
by Rickydricky October 7, 2019
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People who use both Whatsapp and Viber.
I use Whatsapp but also Viber, they both have their charms. You could say I'm bi-textual
by bert2006 February 25, 2018
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To text someone provocative messages in hopes you help them get off
Textual favors are how pal dates are started
by Bamamatt February 11, 2015
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When a girl or guy, usually one you don't want to be associated with, smothers you with text messages to the point of calling the cops on them.
My crazy ex girlfriend who still wants something from me likes to initiate in textual harassment.
by Big Shermy August 23, 2010
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When someone is texting you and it's far too sexual for your liking. Unwanted texutal harassment.
Sarah was messaging me last night, it was textual harassment.
by Rawrrr... January 7, 2016
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One who is unable to express ones emotions though text
Girl: OMG! I just won a all expenses paid trip for two!! :-D do you wanna come?????

Boy: Ok cool.

Girl: Sounds like you are suffering from textual retardation :-/
by Walshy84 November 22, 2013
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