when a vape gets shared among a group of people and it dies.
jakob: YO bru how was that party?!
you: it was good but my vape got rinsed
by Mike.Oxlong69420 July 11, 2023
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getting a blowjob after giving someone anal sex.. also known as ATM (ass to mouth)
Mike buried his cock in Jenn's ass and she rinsed the dishes
by dendo April 10, 2014
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When a person goes to the Hair Salon to get their hair bleached blonde but the normal stylist off off sick, so they settle for the trainee Scissor Monkey who has never done it before - thus ending up with a Rusty Rinse.
Or when a Girl buy's a shit Blonde Colour off the shelf in Poundstrecher and gets her mate to put it on for her after 3 bottles of Lambrini.
Whos the new Ginger Girl in the office ? She's not new - Its Julie with a rusty rinse.
by leesumm1 November 4, 2010
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Describes an extended interval of kinky sex dat includes periodic showers throughout said session.
I prefer just calm and normal intercourse --- no "leather, rinse, repeat" for me, thank you very much!
by QuacksO October 13, 2023
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The act of urinating after sexual intercourse when one does not feel like going to the bathroom, he urinates inside of the vaginal cavity. Causing a warm bath like rinse that is very warm filling up the vagina like Summer's Eve douche. Also see: Drip Rinse , Throat Rinse
Man :Damn baby I sure do got to pee.
Woman: I have all this cum inside of my pussy just go ahead and give me a wet rinse.
by December 24, 2021
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When you take your furry friend to the vet and the dog pees all over the vet because the dog is nervous.
I took my dog to get a check-up, and he gave the poor veterinarian a vet rinse.
by sam_and_the_viking November 11, 2020
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