your very own personal testicle care giver. takes care of cleaning, powdering, waxing of your sack. on a a hot humid day she will walk beside you and cradle your balls in her hand while you walk. you dont want to get that annoying rash an your balls. and at the end of the day she will blow you .
god my balls stink today. they could use a waxing too. i cant wait for my Nut Nanny to get here.
by burbman1969 January 13, 2022
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To protect the sanctity of your home or office wifi.
unscrupulous person: "Hey! What's your wifi password?"
scrupulous person: "Dent your nanny!"
by PrDoomsday2 May 11, 2017
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Bent over the console of the car giving an older man oral sex while he drives.
Steve had me in Nanny Position last night, it was so hot.
by BeardedTatDaddy January 14, 2023
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Shrek’s lover; the nanny in Ben And Holly who has a Karen haircut but killer wing and loves children unlike Scatty Al...
Person 1: Who’s that? She’s got raven black hair and rockin wings!

Person 2: it’s Nanny plum! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by wee_eejit May 29, 2022
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The official name for when you get small pieces of weed in your mouth from smoking.
Damn, I just got so many silly nannies in my mouth from pulling that blunt too hard. *Exhales Deeply*
by WeedQueen757 May 16, 2018
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