picking out a sexual mate from a crowd
John saw a hot group of guys and couldn't wait to start harvesting.
by xthebowdenx January 8, 2009
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To take the rims of the table off and hide it
"What is austin doing" "oh he is just HARVESTING"
by LEMINKUU November 11, 2022
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Videos and/or pictures revealing surprisingly large yields of vegetables (typically root vegetables or tubers) that generate a certain level of titilation when observed.
"Holy crap: look at the size of those potatoes!"
"Oh my gosh, this is SO harvest porn."
by Mickleberry May 4, 2019
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A terrible demon who harvest's semen from living and unliving things.
Priest: We have gathered here today for the funeral of..Oh my god! It is the.. S-se-semen harvester!
Semen Harvester: I shall harvest the semen!
by Mr. Wiggles the IV March 7, 2014
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Term used by whole city boys when hunting in order to virtue signal. Usage of the word in this contexts automatically means they know nothing about hunting and put more value in the thought of being a hunter than actually hunting.
“I harvested a deer this week” -man bun wearing Prius driving Gucci hunter.
by Steven rinella April 2, 2023
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A year when literally many social icons and personal loved ones pass away within a short 12 month time-frame
The year of 2016 was a Harvest Year because of the passing way of celebrities like David Bowie, PRINCE, George Michael, Princess Leia and many more.
by Brenbat December 29, 2016
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Refers to the pathetic practice of as few particularly-unscrupulous/selfish folks who go around to unattended produce-booths that typically pop up in late Summer and early Fall, carefully note which of the stands use unsecured "purely on the honor system" money-containers like screw-top canning-jars or snap-top coffee-cans, and then wait till late enough in the afternoon when the "unprotected" booths' cash-containers would logically be about the "most heavy with the day's fruit and therefore ripe for the plucking", but still a little while before the farmers would likely arrive back at their stands to close up shop and collect their money... the greedy light-fingered shysters then hastily empty out the containers into their own pockets and leave without anyone's being the wiser.
It's just too bad that you can't trust people nowadays with even fairly small amounts of cash laying around! Fruit/vegetable gardeners will do well to take steps to foil farm-stand harvesters --- one of the best ways is to n-e-v-e-r simply leave ordinary easily-opened/broken containers for legitimate customers to leave their money for purchasing the booth's produce --- instead you'll want to supply a "drop it in the slot"-based money-container, and have the container firmly/solidly fastened down so that it cannot be readily "lifted" and transported elsewhere to be forced open later. I would recommend a heavy-walled plywood or metal box with glue-covered countersink-embedded deck-screws or welded-together bolts that cannot simply be unscrewed, and have the box securely bolted to the farm-stand's main framing-timbers where it cannot be simply pried loose by hand.
by QuacksO September 9, 2018
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