Centurie is a very honest person who loves to be around crazy and is very generous. They also love to have a good night out.
by Thetipmeister December 10, 2019
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An item of clothing (usually underpants) which has started a very long, big boy journey of cleaning up male spunk juice after watching pornography 100 or more times, resulting in a rarity - the century cloth, which ultimately smells fruity and feels like ice.
John: Wow, I just achieved my century cloth last night!

Tom: Wtf is a century cloth?

John: *Throws century cloth at Tom*

John: Behold, my century cloth!

Tom: WTF #£AG3@&%*
by reallifenojoke October 10, 2020
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Oh being held comically hostage by a reality monster that till burn your souls forever if you do a book wrong...
Hym "And held further hostage by the literal people burning cosmic slaves of the reality monster.... That's the centuries of tradition... Do what I tell you or I'll burn you alive and the a mad Jim Jaspers type is going to burn you forever after I burn you... That's the tradition. But we stopped burning you though guys! We stopped burning you (the creature is still going to burn you) but now we just cannibalize you in abstraction guys.. We're fine now..."
by Hym Iam August 15, 2023
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Variation of century club A shot of beer every minute with every tenth shot being hard alcohol.
Collin: Do you want to do Century Club when I come back down?
Bobby: No! I am trying to make the puke chart.

Collin: What is worse?
Bobby: Atomic Century Club
by I_LAA_BEER November 27, 2011
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noun. Writes fully sick poetry with no value or significant theme
When your bars are long and barely rhyme but you on the dime. Dat dere 21st century poet.
by DaRealBdizzle February 3, 2016
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A nerdacious attempt to spit bars whilst their vocabulary is most likely limited to irrational numbers, functions, binary/hex etc. Their verses are either simple with no thematic value or ten tiers beyond humility, the typical result of logic dominant brain activity. Bars barely rhyme, but on the dime.
"Do you like nerds?"
"It's the shit, kids releasing their grip on ordinary satchels of sherbet and that jank jaw dropped in awe"
"mate, you're a 21st Century Poet"
by DaRealBdizzle February 6, 2016
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