Person who specializes in working in upholstery. Get your mind out of the gutter!
David is a trim associate at a trim shop.
by otto twister January 23, 2019
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The smell of something that reminds you of something else or a past experience.
Dude, I shared pancakes with my ex-girlfriend right after we had sex, so now anytime I get that association smell, I get an erection.
by punkaboo January 24, 2012
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Refers to the heavy-handed authority and control that Boss Hogg strives to maintain over Hazzard County, assisted by his assorted henchmen such as Sheriff Roscoe and his deputies.
Hazzard County has some of the lowest crime-rates (aside from those confounded DUKE BOYS and that ORANGE CLUNKUH CAH of theirs!) in the state, according to J.D.H. Power & Associates.
by QuacksO September 7, 2018
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The synthetic association fallacy is an association fallacy which asserts by irrelevant association that the synthesis or product of two seperate elements is always the exact same as the grouping of those two separate elements. (Correction of Fallacy: Although A is within B and is also within C, not all synthesises/products of B and C, are A)
Synthetic Association Fallacy: all apple-banana mixes are apple-banana juice.
Correction: Although apple-banana juice is within "Apple-contained items" and is also within "Banana-contained items", not all items containing both apples and bananas are apple-banana juice.
SA Fallacy: all market-oriented socialisms are market socialism.
Correction: Although market socialism is a type of socialism and is also market-oriented, not all market-oriented socialisms (socialist ideologies) are market socialist.
SA Fallacy: All conservative Christians are right-wing (of the Christian Right).
Correction: Although the Christian Right is a conservative moment and is also a Christian movement and almost all conservative Christians are right-wing, not all conservative Christian movements are of the Christian Right.

Correction: (for example, Christian Socialism is both conservative and supposedly Christian but obviously isn't of the Christian Right because it isn't capitalist)
by hgjfsklvmjfghbugdsfkc July 22, 2023
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group made up to promote the safety and enjoyability of big wave surfing through education and experience
The Big Wave Surf Association has really worked hard to keep the big wave surfers safe.
by embeezy July 25, 2012
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