Typical excuse when shit goes wrong. Even when you’re in the cloud.
Them: why are you getting an error?

You: I’m running an entire bank on my laptop.
by JajajajaDoplhin October 3, 2019
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A windows laptop is something you spend to much money on and it gets a virus.
Ally: Hey! I got the new laptop!
You: Why is there a flashing screen telling you to call a number?
Ally: God damn it. Stupid windows laptop.
by Sassy mouse in the sky sass April 29, 2020
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When you insult an it geek and he wacks you in the face with his masssive hp laptop
Dont worry it wont hurt because its an it geek
Unless you broke his graphics card and he's drunk
Then start to worry because hus laptop wack will kill you
by ip13 January 22, 2014
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When a female goes under a desk while your on the computer and starts performing oral sex on a man.
As Daniel was doing his homework assignment on his computer, Marisa surprised him with some laptop u..
by Daniel Hurley January 27, 2023
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Mr Wilman's laptop is a source of great mystery where a omega level being named Mr Wilman who can summon Jeremy Clarkson at any time but you shall be sent to the shadow relam if you dare to look at the search history
I used Mr Wilman's laptop to email my good friend Alan
by Skully1308 August 26, 2021
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Spending an excessive amount of time on the Brickie’s Laptops.
Boys I can’t come tonight I have a serious case of laptop back.
by Davico June 30, 2019
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Felica is the best laptop in existence she is the bread to my butter the paper to my book the words to my page I love her so much.
Alessio : Hey isnt that Felica (Fefe) The Gaming Laptop you're with?
Me : yeah it is!

Oscar and William: damm felica the gaming laptop looking hella fine ngl .
by Dizzardary October 28, 2022
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