The act of being insulted in a different language so the person can vent without the other knowing what they are saying. Commonly used in immigrant families.
French mom-"Boueux chaussures!!! Ce qu'un retarder"
French son-"Not a big deal mom. Enough Foreign Phrase Abuse on my friends"
Non-French Speaking Guest-"ummm....did I do something wrong?"
by CHALLENGE ACCEPTED March 21, 2011
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A Foreign Policy on the decision making process of which country to go to war with. The basis of this policy is founded on what is called "dick fear" where men feel inadequate about the size of there dicks so they have to kill each other in order to boost there self-esteem. Can also be applied in Bars, Locker Rooms, and Athletics.

Usually founded on the following statement.

"What? They have bigger dicks?! BOMB THEM!"
-George Carlin
Bigger Dick Foreign Policy at work. All quoted from George Carlin

So as far as I'm concerned, that whole thing in the Persian Gulf was nothing more than one big dic-waving cockfight.

In this particular case, Saddam Hussein questioned the size of George Bush's dick. And George Bush had been called a wimp for so long, he apparently felt the need to act out his manhood fantasies by sending America's white children to kill other people's brown children.

-George Carlin
by ViVi)zF( January 7, 2010
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In hockey, a big game against a rival team on their home ice, make sure the boys are ready to go because it's gonna be loud and rowdy and you gotta grind to get the W
Flyers locker room prior to a game at Madison Square Garden, "Alright boys lets get er goin here big tilt foreign barn."
by SnipePartyWheel December 1, 2011
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To start speaking a foreign language that the person being addressed doesn't, or is not likely to, understand. Comes in very handy when you're trying to shake off panhandlers and other people with whom you don't want to get involved.
A group of Arab kids came up to me and asked me if they wanted me to smoke a joint. I wanted to do a foreign moment, so I just told them, "nye govoryu po-angliyskiy!". That's Russian for "I don't speak English!".
by pentozali November 24, 2009
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a condition in which a person unwittingly speaks his/her language with a foreign accent, usually due to a disease such as migraine and stroke.
After recovering from a stroke, the Englishman began talking with an Irish accent. It is a case of foreign accent syndrome.
by uttam maharjan September 17, 2010
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The Fortnite Foreign Legion is a casual service branch of the Fortnite Army, established in 2019 FFL Members are highly trained Fornite players........ the Legion is unique in that it is open to Foreign recruits throughout OCE willing to serve in the FFL Army...
"Those guys in FFL (Fortnite Foreign Legion) are bots"

"That guy in FFL (Fortnite Foreign Legion) is crakced bro"
by Bägs October 20, 2019
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A term often used for software developers when they are unable to type correctly on a foreign keyboard.

A developer will typically be able to type normally and accurately on their own keyboard but one when using a foreign or colleagues keyboard, they often find themselves encountering school boy typing mistakes and complete coding garbage.
Hey Garth, can you help me with a saoftware problem I have?
Hey what's happening - I can't type for toffee on your keyboard.
hey Garth, that's called Foreign keyboard syndrome or FKS for short.
by Zaaphod Gummy September 27, 2013
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