Also known as the adult bookstore, located in Central New New York in the year 3010.
Sal: I’m going to back the adults bookstore.
Fry: Adult bookstore? I thought this was the public library.
Bender: No, pubic library!
Me: It’s the New New York Pubic Library!
by gregben July 11, 2021
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A pretty good joke. A man more infamous for anti-intellectualism than anyone in history having a library for a memorial is pretty goddamn funny.
Welcome to the George W. Bush Presidential Library, please leave your books at the door.…yeah right there, in that burning pile.

/ignore this Google Bomb:

George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library
by xX_CaliforniaCheese_Xx September 14, 2011
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da place where all da bitchez come to learn da language of loooove.

we also study this dead guy named Bill Shakes. It's pretty awesome. All the bitchez are smart and nerdsy, and all of them are gorgeous.

at least 3 out of the sixteen will be extremely pretentious. and at least 50% of the total male population will be gay.

if youre not a hipster, youre a nerd. if youre not a nerd, youre a sloot.
Sloot: Hey, so you going to the Folger Shakespeare Library High School Fellowship Program today?

Hipster: yea, I decided to dress like Shakespeare to get in the mood.

Kid #1: ME TOO!


Nerd: ....I want to be Hamlet.

Entire class: LET'S ALL BE HAMLET

Sloot: naww i wanna be Ophelia. mmmmm Hamlet's meats.
by iheartshakespearesomuch December 11, 2010
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Requiring Calibre E-book manager, and many e-books, and many, many, many hours of dicking around on the computer to get the library JUST SO.....Similar to the magic brooms in Fantasia, it applies to a person who manages to take one or two Calibre e-book libraries and turn them into 50 over a two year time span. This is not a good thing.
Rellwood on Mobile Reads defines herself as a library breeder since she has discovered over 50 libraries on her various computers and can't seem to make up her mind enough to weed them down into one or two..
by Mad Morrigan October 1, 2017
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a large building near a city's downtown filled with books, children, and sleeping homeless people
"hey brother can you spare a dime?"
"shut up and go to the public library!"

"shit! i really need some books, homeless people, and children."
"dude, have you heard of the public library?"
by uncle fuckbucket March 7, 2023
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A librarian who is strict and hot tempered.
Librarian: "Hey whisper or shut up thisisa library people are trying to study, don't make me tell you twice!" Studentsays toother student. "Wow Mrs. B is one hard ass library nazi!"
by Posh-Yoshi Spleventy-Five November 5, 2014
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When someone hooks up with 27 people that have names starting with each letter of the alphabet in alphabetical order.
“Finally I slid in with Zoe, now I have completed the Full Library”
by Z…..Baby January 1, 2022
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