A cheer that can be used in any multiplayer videogame, esp. Halo 2, especially used while "storming" and enemy base, or after a difficult accomplishment.
"Hi-Ho Donkey Puncher, CHAAAAARGE!!!"
"Killtacular! Hi-Ho Donkey Puncher!"
by NOT JACK TOMPSON LOL August 18, 2005
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gay man; leather cludded, gays like to dress in leather

do-nut puncher A)he fists people

B)they hate viginas (pussys)
ere m8 are you a leather cludded do-nut puncher

no im bi

by calan123 April 27, 2010
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A sexual position performed anally while the receiver evacuates their bowels.
"bro, i totally mud punched my grandma last night, i always wondered why my family called her a mud puncher."
by thamastabaita September 13, 2020
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The descriptive noun for one so narcissistic that their obsessive self-admiration cannot be hidden, even when they are being watched by millions, giving the instant impression that they would rather be masturbating in front of a mirror.
Did you watch the rugby? Did you see Marcus looking up at himself on the pitch big screen at every breakdown, massaging his hair? What a Sock Puncher!
by LastRealist August 4, 2022
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Person 1 “ay u know punchmade dev punches cards?”
Person 2 “ ye he a puncher fr”
by mskdmn September 30, 2023
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Someone who got verified by the fda to be able to punch smurfs.
Guy 1: Yo I can't believe you're a Certified Smurf Puncher now!
Guy 2: Cool right? now just to find a village.
by ButterFlew June 23, 2022
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