One who refuses to accept how awesome, efficient and enjoyable a group chat, thread or conversation can be.
Rebecca hates being included on the Anderson Family text thread because she thinks it is banal, she is a text thread hater.
by sidewayspony89 June 27, 2018
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When you text someone with a heightened anticipation for a quick response.
I texted you to see if my phone was working, cause "DUDE" ain't hitting me back. I waited like a whole 5 minutes.

Yo! You got that text insecurity. They probably just busy, chill out!
by HonkeyDonkeyDoo January 10, 2021
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When you text someone that doesn't respond as fast as you would like.
I texted you to see if my phone is working. I gave "dude" like a Whole 2 minutes to respond.

Yo... They might be busy. Don't give in to your text insecurities. Relax!
by HonkeyDonkeyDoo January 10, 2021
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Simulatiously texting a large number of women to whittle down the responses with the end goal of having selfish one-sided sex with a responder.
I was funnel texting last 5 responders and ended up shagging Jessie again.
by Famous Reekie January 1, 2017
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Text-perving is the act of looking at somebody's text while they are texting somebody else. Usually frowned upon by society because of a presumed 'breach of privacy'.

Despite that, this act is very helpful in day to day life, social problems and so forth.
how did you know i was going to plan that kidnap?
i was text-perving you..

stop text-perving me!
by I'MGuinea May 23, 2011
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Exactly what it sounds like: You're sending a message (usually a NSFW message to your girlfriend/boyfriend) and you realize that you should look before you send - Because that just went to someone whom you REALLY don't want to see it, usually your mother.
Hey babe, my parents aren't home. Let's do it tonight ;)

*5 seconds later*


"You're grounded, young man!"
by Someone who kinda exists July 15, 2020
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An expression used to describe when the person on the other end of a texting conversation is not likely to respond and is, therefore, essentially nonexistent. Thus, one may as well be texting a wall. Some people exhibit this behavior periodically; for others, it is a habitual thing.

Similar to calling a wall.

Bily: "Why don't you just text her, bro?"

Iván: "Because I'd be texting a wall."


Bily: "Have you been texting each other?"

Iván: "Sometimes, but she can be a text wall. It's better if I hit her up on Facebook."


Iván: "So, did Latrell respond to your text? I wanna make the 8 o' clock show."

Bily: "Son, you know that's a wall text."
by larfz March 26, 2013
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