When the smells of twelve girls wearing half a bottle of perfume, three guys who spilled aftershave all over themselves, and the mexican janitor's attempt to hide the smell of weed in the supply closets by spraying them with two cans of air freshener collide into one Hallway Haze.
Guy 1: "Hey man, the Hallway Haze is particularly thick today."
Guy 2: "Yeah, definitely, I think janitor Hernandes sprayed a few cans too many while trying to cover up the scent of his weed."
by Ugh_ugh_ugh February 9, 2015
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The Yellow Hallway is one of the three hallways. This hallway houses numerous upperclassmen, along with Lucus the Loner. Part of this hallway is scarcely used, and PDROPH and other groups use it when they wish for a private conversation or negotiation.
A: Where should we talk about this?

B: Meet me in the Yellow Hallway.
by myopiniondoesn’tcount May 22, 2020
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When a person runs inbetween classes to get to the next class or to be first in line for lunch. This usually happens in highschool and mostly happens with freshman. Seen as speeding because they run like an idiot unlike others and other people usually hope they trip and eat shit in the hallway
A: "stupid freshman running to their next class"

B: "Yeah man someone should give them a hallway speeding ticket"


*Sees freshie running*
A: "God i hope that kid trips"
by SneakySniper April 27, 2015
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That one kid who looks like a hallway but licks hallways and poops in teacher's bags
by lloydgarmathot November 26, 2019
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How you get your information when you’re stuck in a facility. IE nursing home, hospital, rehab, etc.
Well. Word in the hallway is, my nurse got arrested for being drunk on the job.
by Nik-Nak Saint May 27, 2021
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Traffic caused by students and faculty alike while transitioning from one class to another.
Dude, that teacher nearly ran straight into me during that post-class hallway traffic.
by Huntsvegas February 9, 2022
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A guy you see in the hallway everyday at school that you find attractive, but you won’t talk to.
Omg that’s my hallway husband!
by Peppa pig 🐷 November 23, 2021
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