Jesse Perez is one of the nicest people to walk the earth, he is one of the best people to be friends with. He has so much going on in his life but he keeps moving forward and helps other people with his problems when he needs help and no one ever helps him. He doesn't trust many people so if he trusts you never break that choice keep him forever. You will probably catch feelings for a Jesse Perez but you can never tell him because you guys are best friends. When a Jesse Perez is showing sad feelings to you it means that he trusts you and he likes to talk to you about what's happening with him. Jesse Perez is the type of person to not give a fuck about what people say about him because he knows he is so much better then them, and that he can do so much better, and that those people are just talking shit because they think it will make them feel better about themselves. Just always keep a Jesse Perez trust me he is worth it.!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜ He is also so very handsome even if he doesn't see it others do
Leily:who is that?
Random person: That is jesse Perez

Leily: I think im catching feelings

Random Person: lmao everyone does
Random person: how could you not look at him

Leily: I know he is so hot
by Rebecca Jimenez October 20, 2020
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A human being that thinks his thoughts are of the up most importance .He is the supreme being in fact when you his shit talk go screaming out his neck or his actions are the boldest around ! You want to run and grab the camera but somehow the Perez Steven or Stephan is knock the fuck out or running away crying ,before you can even turn on the camera or push record ..
Damm I almost got that video but it was another "Stephan Perez "moment and the mother fucking little bitch was snoring before I could even turn my phone on...was the lame thinking as soon as that cave mans thought got into his head ,and he tried to gey hard less then 60 seconds he was gone in lala land , outcold ,stealing a nap,counting good ideas and it end at one sheep,and him fucking it because he never had another bad ass moment then that his 1 and only im the man moment ,yeah but wasnt it a male sheep?
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The best cuz ever! Except her parents wont let us meet up :(!! She is extremely sarcastic but also really annoying and calls at the worst times!!
OMG! It's Lauren Perez
by ilovemakingcakes February 23, 2022
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The best,athletic,biggest dick,smartest and best kisser out there,he is very kind and somebody that don't want to lose to.He's a true beast
Ooo,i wanna be a Devon Perez soo badly
by Derick winston October 4, 2019
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Abigail is seriously the most stunning girl I've ever seen! Whenever I accidentally lock eyes with her, my whole body freezes, my heart drops to my stomach, and I can't even speak properly. She's got the prettiest curly hair, a golden glow to her skin, and these big eyes that you could stare into for years. Plus, she's athletic and super smart. She even reads the Bible and is really disciplined. In my eyes, she's more than just the perfect girl. I truly admire her and I wish I can get to know her.
Oh sjit Abigail is coming to me
Me:๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜…

#abigail j perez
by Ilikesleeping12 November 7, 2023
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