Skin Canoeing is the act of stretching out either a scrotum sack or foreskin into a shape that can hold a liquid, ideally alcoholic, and then wonder around a party offering guests a sip.
Sarah was impressed how Barry had been skin canoeing for so long and been so attentive to all of his guests...
by CreepyRob June 5, 2023
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A sex act where one partner inflates the others foreskin like a balloon and then pinches the ends and forces the air out making a squeaky sound.
Dude, I totally got that chick to give me a lamb skin kazoo last night.
by The Space Pope May 6, 2018
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Where the penile regions accumulate dense,dark, bump like features resembling the bark of a tree
Girl:how was last night
Friend: giiiiiirl the sex hurt so bad because he had that tree skin dick goin on.
Girl: oh no.
by libby2013 March 27, 2016
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A woman who’s so flat chested her nipples are the only thing that stick out
Wow look at Jackie she’s so flat chested she’s got skin tits !
by Jackiejim April 4, 2019
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The umbrella term to acknowledge that the two will partake in sexual activities that will result in jizzing or splooshing like savages.
Boys, I'm going on a long trip tonight.

by Salty River November 17, 2016
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People on Fortnite's community who tell people that like a skin or a cosmetic that it sucks and that nobody wants it back. Oftentimes they say it to get a rise out of the person who wants that skin back.
Me: *Posts a picture of a Fortnite skin I like on Twitter or Instagram*
Dynamo skins: "That skin is ass, nobody wants it back"
by rockerguy02 August 29, 2022
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