Pummler, a rare German species often sighted watching memes, has depression.
"Pummler's Depression really makes him sound dead inside"
by HelloIamUser August 2, 2017
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It's a metaphor for the wearer (person) that has the big sad and needs mental support because they are probably gay. They often feel like they are left out or lonely and tend to listen to sad and depressing music.

This is because slippers often look as if they are sloping or saggy we associate that they're sad or depressed.

Person 1: Dude, why is that girl so sad?
Person 2: She has been wearing her depression slippers a lot lately.
by BonnieTheBunny1611 December 15, 2019
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Being depressed without being diagnosed.
A lot of young kids say they are depressed but this is a better term for them to use.
bsf: Are you okay??
other girl: No..
bsf: You’ve been like this for a while, what’s up?
other girl: I’m Semi-depressed..
by TheLadyOfFlatness May 17, 2020
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when someone says they're depressed, without actual evidence or diagnose to back that claim up. mostly suffered by 13-14 year olds who listen to Billy Eilish. even though someone does not have a diagnosis, that does not mean everything is alright. if they have no problems at all than it is fake depressed. semi depressed is more a way of saying that a person has problems, but not actual depression
Linda: omg Billy Eilish's music is so sad! i'm depressed now because i don't have any other hobby's due to my insecurity and so i only listen to sad music.

Bert: no Linda, your just semi depressed, come and sit down to talk if you want anything out.
by samyfietsen June 30, 2020
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After spending countless months or years trying to get caught up on onepiece you finally do it. You fall into a state of emptiness due to not being able to watch onepiece for another week.
After getting caught up on onepiece Joseph fell into a state of onepiece depression do to the fact he had no more onepiece to binge watch.
by Whaleszn August 11, 2023
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