“Have you seen ran ghosty today? I really wanna talk to them!”
by Gay version of Tubbo October 20, 2021
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An adjective that describes a noun being old, used, and or in very poor condition.
"Bro, I'd go to a different one. That McDonald's has nothing but bad reviews, and plus it looks ran-down."

"Heard she booked an Airbnb somewhere with so-and-so and got her whole shit ran-down."
by CicadaHarbinger June 2, 2023
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You say this whenever you run over your favorite celebrity or something goes wrong.
by nickjonasisbae January 2, 2020
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When a retarded snail gets mixed with one to many chromosomes and sprouts human legs
“Did you see how much Johnny was a fake ran yoda last night?”
by Magical boy November 21, 2022
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A toxic guild in the online game Growtopia, full of children. Their main insult is "VC DOGGY", but when you go to vc them, suddenly their mic doesn't work or some other excuse.
Probble: I met a Ranned member in the world LOVE today
Rab: bruh moment
by Vic April 6, 2021
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A expression shown by Chen Yakumo when looking for Ran Yakumo.
Chen: RAN SHAMAAAAAAAAAA!!! Where are you!!!
Ran: I am right here, Chen.
by Wiggle_Sunbug August 12, 2023
Ran is a guy who is considered a type of nerd. He will always talk about countries, planes, trains, tanks, and sometimes memes. He is a nice guy in general. A good friend to have. He can be a little sensitive at times but he gets over it quick.
by Rumblrumbl March 19, 2022
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