When someone poses a hypothetical, when they are actually referring to something that has or is going to happen.
Father: "Son, where's the car?"
Son: "Ok, hypothetically, what if I took it and maybe drove it into the Dinkleberg's house?"
Father: "Is that a lie-pathetical?"
by The GuardianX August 23, 2018
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It is a fantasy football course. It smells horrible and feels even worse. It occurs when you lose to someone so pathetic, you actually feel and smell like a loser. It typically only lasts 1 week, thankfully. Benefits: The sorry ass winner gets to feel like a somebody for 6 days. Cure: Time.
When Mexican Steve's SORRY ass team of backups beats your monster team of sexy football scoring beasts. You actually get the Pathetic Loss Syndrome. Steve continues to think his team is better than it is, almost snaking people with trades for backups, just to slowly be let down in the end. Yuck. You dont want this!
by Bigdaddymang October 20, 2019
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someone who is so desperate to create a new phrase that they looked up P names on babynames.com so they could find a good name to describe someone being pathetic
wow you are studying on a friday night? you are such a pathetic paddington

you are really adding this phrase onto urbandictionary.com? you are such a pathetic paddington
by candy sanchez November 6, 2008
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Bad sex where one or both of the parties are biologically male (possessing a phallus).
Person 1: How's the sex going?
Person 2: Seems everytime I do it with my boyfriend is pathetic phallusy...
by H4XOR13 June 3, 2023
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A girl who thinks just because her boyfriend is a fukin psychopath means that she can talk shit all she wants and get away with it , all the while hiding behind her boyfriend like a pathetic bitch when someone confronts her ass
by Ironically_sensical July 1, 2019
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