Is a slang used to describe OxyCotton or OxyCodone
Hey do you have any Ocean Cruiser (OC)s
by peteyp123 December 13, 2009
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A PT Cruiser driven by a man who gets a lot of action
That guy gets so much action, they call his car the Poon Tang Cruiser.
by Scott St. Cloud March 26, 2008
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When you have sex with a girl and grab onto her ribcage and lift her up and down
You could even go Skeletal Cruising (When you dive around looking for ladies you would want to skeletal cruise)
Last night i gave her a skeletal cruiser.
Last night I skeletal cruised Mindy.
Hey Arlis want to go look for ladies to Skeletal cruise tonight.

by RYAN MARIN April 17, 2007
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a police car that is marked but doesn't have the standard party lights rack on top but does have the police livery or insignia unlike fully unmarked po-pos
man, that bald cop cruiser totally nailed me on the freeway for merging out of the HOV on a double-yellow

DUDE!? are you fucking high? you're gonna blow past that bald cop cruiser!
by sodoenam May 23, 2011
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Code word for dildo (an object shaped like an erect penis used for sexual stimulation)
Jarrin: “I’m going to go home and ride my 1975 Huffy Beach Cruiser”

Guss: “Dude, stop telling me. No one cares
by Tyroneswaggins January 14, 2019
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A heavy Mon Calamari star cruiser used by the new republic and resistance navy, at over 3 km long, this type of cruiser has top-tier shielding and has 2 massive hangers on each side to hold hundreds of starfighters and transports. This ship could outpace its rival; the Resurgent-class star destroyer and its shields can withstand enormous amounts of firepower from enemy capital ships and even if one generator is taken out by starfighters, there will be several backups that can take its place. This trait is also shared by its predecessors, the MC-75 and MC-80
Several MC-85 Star cruisers showed up to the battle of Exegol and were some of the largest ships present for the battle, later many of these ships fell into Resistance hands along with other cruisers, frigates, corvettes and fighters, which greatly aided the Resistance in its conflict with the First Order.
by Ekerslithery April 13, 2020
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A truck driver with more money than brains.
You can tell that guy is a rich mother cluckin' son of a rooster cruiser, he complains about never having a good load, but you always see him in a chrome shop.
by byrd77 January 6, 2009
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