The caveman is when a girl is dancing in a club and you're just gonna come up from behind and rub your pelvis against her ass, hope that something good is happening.
This approach rarely works on girls in a club.
Me: Dude, you saw the guy doing the caveman to that girl?
Homie: Ye, she was not amused and left the dancefloor. Cringe asf!
by Lil' Ox January 22, 2018
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A very small penis that only prevents itself when erected.
Kim Jung has a caveman penis.
by Creme Pie Master 420 November 3, 2015
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A person who likes to use profanity over xbox as if he/she were 12 while having a score twice as high as the entire opposing team. also likes to pull sprinklers out of the ground while anally probing his dog.
i was playin with caveman stingray last night and he shutout the entire team for 9 matches
by joe ramirrrrrez September 5, 2008
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JAG with a beard.
Look at you JAG, you haven’t shaved, you’re a sexy caveman.
by Samjokarl17 August 8, 2021
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When you're just too horny and can't really think about what you're doing.

When you're in caveman mode, it's important to ejaculate as soon as possible in order to reach post-nut clarity, or it could lead to dire consequences.
Don't stay in caveman mode too long, we don't want you going to jail for cumming in that girl's coffee.
by Yesmannen July 28, 2019
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A person who is dumb at using technology in minecraft.
Nick is a fucking caveman at using tech mods in minecraft.
by kratos555 June 2, 2018
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- An adj/ noun; a person (usually a man) “afraid” or reluctant to change or progress because they personally dislike it

-An adj/noun: a person (usually a man) who doesn’t care about other peoples feelings and emotions. They physically only have the capacity to think about their own personal wants and needs. Similar to a cavemen’s one track mind.
“Me so hungry me go rawr

“You’re a caveman
by Lemaynehead August 26, 2023
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