A diarrhea and fart combination so foul that it leaves your intestines cramped and your asshole bloody
by Bigness D June 20, 2020
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That one brave soul who, instead of running with his or her tail between his or her legs, tries their hardest to ruin the damnable congregation.

A Pep Troll may do one or more of the following:

- Play rap, metal, funeral marches, or some other situationally inappropriate song on a boombox/stereo.
- Blow an airhorn incessantly.
- Throw shit (metaphorically).
- Throw shit (literally).
- Release mice or other small animals. Bonus points are awarded if birds are used and/or if someone gets bitten.

Only the most amazing individual can completely derail the pep rally. If you know one of these heroes, show them your appreciation for their courage by buying them lunch.
*pep fest occurs*

*Pep Rally/Fest Troll pisses on the person sitting in front of himself/herself*
by You're bestest friend ever February 14, 2013
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an expression used by old men to show their anger towards young football players
Coach: Josiah, get your ding dong rilly rally up in there!
by Black forest ham October 26, 2017
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This is an extremely painful event. It typically occurs in the stock market, when you just finished getting so leveraged up on full margin with short positions.

The stock market then viciously turns and "heads" up the other direction all while ripping your face physically off. It happens so quickly it is typically only noticed when you look up from your keyboard to ask your trading partner what happened, and he only see's a pair of lips and what used to resemble a face talking to him.

A CNBC contributor, Steve Grasso, is a well known advocate to stopping this disease from spreading.
Hey Billy, is that Melanie Griffith over there or some guy that got his face ripped off in last weeks stock market rally?

rip your face off rally
by trav0987654 August 5, 2011
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This is when you line up 5 women in a line.Make them bend over the fuck me position and call up 4 of your friends.Get 5 pieces of paper and proceed to kneel in front of the bitches.then proceed to give each woman a paper cut while you all fuck them from behind and make a race out of it.The first girl to hit the finish line with the most papercuts, wins a free gang rape.
"these five girls totally got the paper-cut rally fuck last night, that bitch almost bled to death".
by Big feces May 16, 2008
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