See loser or fag. One with very little knowledge of real music, usually people who want to look cool, and usually are nerds.
Ping is a Linkin Park fan because he wants to act cool. Too bad his glasses are as thick as a wall and he wears pants up to his belly-button.
by MexWanker July 5, 2004
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Someone who usually claims nobody "gets" them. They always cry about how bad their parents are even though they get anything they want. Usually wear wrist bands or some ridiculous looking long sleeve shirt under their t-shirt to cover their arms, so nobody sees their razor cuts. They wear a studded belt and paint their finger nails black.
I'm so depressed, my parents don't get me, i'm going to take a bottle of aspirin. Well? Give me more attention already..
by xps April 11, 2005
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I had three beers last night and got a hangover. Meh. Me Linkin Parks.
by Eeeger November 13, 2003
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The most hardcore fans in the world. NOT. they usually consist of prepubescent little girls or guys who are uncomfortable or confused with their sexuality.
that Linkin Park fan is very sensitive and emo
by poopoopeepeekaka October 17, 2009
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Chester Bennington, nicknamed Chaz, Chazzy B etc. Has an amazing voice in which you can hear 3 notes at once and is the sexiest guy in rock!
OMG have you seen this pic of Chester!! He's so unbelievably HOT!
by The Exorcist March 19, 2005
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Chester Bennington, age 28 and has a wife and a child.
Has been making music for twelve years, and started in Phoenix Arizona.
by Stigma July 9, 2004
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