The act of pooping liquid on the male partners belly whilst performing doggy-style.
My wife totally let loose with a gravy canon last night, after she got shit-faced on tequila!
by Niff July 26, 2016
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When you spray Semen into little balls and then put it back in and pee it out at her (radley)
by Emeraso. July 13, 2023
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EPIC and will destroy any dumb infants
I am a Canon
by 6rdyystu August 28, 2021
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a gay man whos actually straight and has a penis the size of mount anthill (aproxiamtely 1/16 an inch)
dang that guys penis is small how does he pee out of that

idk bet hes a canon
by IMADOXURMOM January 24, 2022
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something that the AOT fandom can’t understand.
“It’s canon that Levi is pansexual, and Eremin is Isayama’s favorite ship.”
by femrea August 21, 2021
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a brand for printers, cameras, binoculars etc.
person 1: do u have a canon printer?
person 2: no, silly, i have a canon camera!
by brightt January 27, 2022
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If his name is Canon he’s extremely gay
Wow that Canon guy is pretty homosexual
by ItsMammasBoi November 20, 2019
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