Orifice Puckering Compound marketed and sold under the name OPC. A powdery compound created from grape seed extract and pushed by network marketers and MLM companies that promises to be a cure-all and sold for an inflated price.
I bought this crap from my brother called OPC. When he told me the price, my asshole puckered up tight as a drum. That shit should be called Orifice Puckering Compound, not OPC!
by MayorPogo May 13, 2010
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Also "puckers my asshole." An expression of great displeasure at being ripped off or cheated that revives itself each time one thinks about it. An expression of anger in response to a lingering grudge.
It was senior discount day at the Salvation Army today, and they still wouldn't give me the discount on that piece of shit vacuum even though it's been sitting there for a whole damn week. That really puckers my ass!
by Shabidoo June 20, 2019
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A traditional northern European anal-tomical ice-cold cocktail. When a person inserts ice cubes into their anal cavity, lets the ice melt and mix with the rectal contents and then is sipped out slowly by another person. The drink can be personalized for "shaken" or "stirred". If shaken, anus must be vigorously rocked in a circular fashion. If stirred, insert a colorful umbrella and swirl counterclockwise 3 times. Anal rim may be coated in sugar for additional pleasure.
Angelica: Hey Andre, fuck a dirty martini and gimme me one of your famous Plöner Pucker-tinis....shaken, with a raw sugar rim.
by Spacker Blue March 28, 2013
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When your ass cheeks pucker cause they don't know what else to do cause its so cold. A time when you walk outside and its so cold the only words that come to mind is "Why is it so Fucking Cold?" A temperature that is so uncomfortable their is no other way to describe it.
"Damn, it's definitely Ass Puckering Cold cause my ass is completley closed, shivering, and I can't stop it!
by a.91.a. October 15, 2010
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A semi-common phrase used to describe your butt (bobo) puckering up in an intense situation. The phrase is mostly used when referring to driving situations, but has been used in others.
"Dude! That Semi about flipped my car over!" "Woah man, that is a serious bobo pucker factor."

"I was coming down Sunset Hill at 50 miles per hour when my accelerator stuck! Serious bobo pucker factor, but I managed my way out of it."

"Your bobo is gonna pucker if you keep that up."
by TheSassinatorIndeed December 18, 2009
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When you are doing your mother-in-law doggie-style you then jam it in her ass. As she turns around puckered from pain you donkey-punch her in the mouth. Making this the MOTHER-PUCKER PUNCH.
by Mother-Pucker Punchers October 14, 2009
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A slang referring to the hairs the surround the anus.
"My tounge was met with an unpleasant amount of pucker bristle."
by Davis December 30, 2004
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