Bronze - a subhuman pleb without the basic knowledge required to be normal ELO. The lowest IQ amongst adults, basically equal to an infant.
"So, you're bronze? Did you int in all your qualifiers?"
by Just some average guy February 19, 2017
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Is similar to an Iron Fist but more lenient than said fist
Guy 1: Did you hear the dictator is allowing more things lately?
Guy 2: Yeah, he's ruling with a bronze fist now.
by TheProtoFurry September 22, 2022
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The activity of placing an object up one’s shitty I unwiped ass so it is covered in feces and replacing it in it’s original position
My roommate Kyle kicked me in the balls last night so I Bronzed his Apple Watch

by Mc_staircase December 14, 2021
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When someone constantly love puffs in their underwear and the long brown stain that it unavoidably produces
Must have a bronze medal in there the amount he’s farted
by BungalowD December 27, 2021
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Making your partner cum twice before you do, so you come in third.
God she was so hot...I thought it would just be a quickie, but I decided I was going for the bronze as soon as she got naked.
by DirtyNerdyAndWordy January 27, 2021
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When you go to the beach fully clothed with no shoes or socks and they get tanned
Person 1: walks in barefoot wearing shorts

Person 2: "damn bros got the bronze Dogs!"
by Slutty steak knife May 12, 2023
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The mixing of a 40 and a orange MD (MadDog) This is a variation of the Brass Monkey
Hey, man we are out of OJ. Just mix the 40 with your orange MD and make a Bronze Monkey.
by MasterGofen December 7, 2011
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