does not mean I fucked your mom. In fact its not even an insult in any way. Word= Respect or I agree and mother=mother land. Word to your mother translated to normal english means respect to your motherland keep a hold of your roots
by misconception-annihilated February 27, 2010
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1) I agree with what you just said.
2) Watch out.
3) Absolutely nothing at all.
4) similar to 'keep it real'... a gangster phrase.
see also keep it real
1) "Man that chick is hot."
"Word to your mother."
2) "Ooooh... you shouldn't have done that. Word to your mother."
3) Ben: "Schlarrrp."
Bob: "Word to your mother."
Ben: "Hmmm.... what was that you said Bob? It didn't make any sense."
4) "Yo ma nigga, see ya later me homie, yo yo yo!"
"Yo damn straight, mah nigga, word to your mother!"
"word, man, word."
by Twalgar March 31, 2005
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Word to your mother was a phrase used back in the 80s and 90s. Though it was originated by the African American community, saying to keep it real or to respect the motherland, it then became the retarded phrase of white boys trying to act gangsta. They sound so gay and make respectable white people like me look like the skid-mark on the underpants of society when they say it. Thanks a lot Vanilla Ice.
Black guy 1: "Yo nigga, what's happenin'?"
Black guy 2: "I'm fine, man. Keepin' it real."
Black guy 1: "word to your mother."
White boy who overhears the conversation and immediately thinks thinks of ice ice baby: "What's good, niggas?"
Black guy 1: "What you call us bitch?"
WB: " Yo man, keep it real. Word to your mother."
Black guy 1 knocks him out and he and Black guy 2 laugh and walk away while listening to the Beastie Boys, a well respectable white hip hop group.
by fatjamarcus October 2, 2010
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"Word" as used in WTYM and similar expressions relates back to a declaration of Truth or Truthfulness. It may be derived / appropriated from standard English as a shortening of "I give my word (of honor)". Word To Your Mother is an emphasizing phrase, meaning that my words are true and I would swear it to your/my mother, or a reply emphasizing that your words are true and I agree with you. Overall a derivation or corruption of Word To The Mother, popularized in Vanilla Ice's rap to "Ice, Ice Baby".
You got that right! Word To Your Mother!
by PaulT1 June 13, 2007
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Word to your mother means you are a real life gangster from the hood. At least, that's what it means if you're the type of gangster who styles his hair like Morrissey and wears M.C. Hammer style parachute pants.
Word to your mother,
Word to your brother,
Word to the fishes in the deep blue sea,
Word to you and me.
by MC 900 Foot Oral Roberts May 13, 2006
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1. A phrase used when/after accomplishing any type of goal or achievement.

2.A person In a state disbelief followed by the reassurance of the other person.
1. Suzy: “I got the job
Max: “Word to your mother!”

2. Zack: “I just tried weed for the first time”
Sarah: “word?”
Zack: “to your mother”
by Tooturntnate January 25, 2019
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A nonsensical phrase used in 1990's hip-hop culture.
That's right, boyeeeeee, word to your mother!
by Albert February 15, 2004
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