Williamstown is a town by the bay in Melbourne. Its a kool place. It has a beach. It is home to celebrities such as "The Scud" the tennis champ. It doesn't smell like Altona. It has a very low bogan count, unlike some surounding suburbs. It has a killer VFL football team. Its homies can often be reffered to as "Towners" or "the Willi boys".
X: Yo Homie, Where you at ??
Y: I'm In Williamstown, Just chillin.
X: Cool bro, thats ripper
by hamghetti... September 18, 2006
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(AKA Dubtown, NJ). Williamstown is the greatest town in South Jersey, Gloucester County. Home to some of the greatest minds on earth. You know you are from Williamstown if: You hate delsea, you picked sides in the WMS vs. SMS war, you've partied at a deer club, you never knew the parkway went that far north, you played little league at Owens, you're not allowed to wear flip flops in WHS, you hung out at Chruch Street on Friday nights, you know the best way to give directions is from Geet's Diner, you hate traffic on Tuckahoe Rd. at 2:16pm, and you get pumped for Christmas when Main Street puts the ghetto decorations up
Williamstown, NJ: a town located between Philly and AC; some of the town can simply be referenced as "the lakes"
by zerCM April 2, 2006
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Williamstown is a TINY town randomly in the western corner of Massachusetts. Williamstown is full of rich, preppy, (sometimes smart), white kids. There isn’t really anything to do there but it is where you’ll find the most Bean Boots and Sperrys in New England. Like it’s the only shoes worn there. Williamstown breeds elitist white kids and you definitely should not live there because anyone who does, wants to get the fuck out.
*sees a cocky guy wearing vineyard vines shorts and sperrys with Nike socks*
“Oh he must be from Williamstown, MA”
by GUCCIGANG123 December 6, 2017
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A small hick town where you can scream at the top a your lungs at 3 a.m. and it echoes and you most likely won't get in trouble cuz it takes the police 45 minutes to get here even though they are only 10 minutes away.
No example needed if you ever come to Williamstown,PA you'll see it is self explanatory.
by hml7896 April 23, 2008
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A town in the northwest corner of the state. On paper it looks like a good town because a good amount of people are employed by Williams College and make a good living. The people that aren't affiliated with the college however are just as backward and rednecked as those who live in neighboring North Adams. The town itself is nice although some parts are a bit run down and decrepit. But hey at least its not NA.
Williamstown, Ma is just ok
by antipopculture May 28, 2011
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located in Williamstown, NJ, this school is a part time home to nearly 2,000 students. Has strict dress code policies about flip flops and ripped jeans, but many students get away with them anyway. Football players are viewed as gods, and can do whatever they want. speaking how you truly feel is forbidden; you'll get a 3-7 if you actually say what everyone else is thinking. infested with mice. Once, a kid shit on the stairs in the K-wing.
by i hate whs. February 8, 2011
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A school in south jersey which dosent have a football team so everyone plays for town. Full of people who either think they can be a famous YouTuber or a famous sports player when they get older. There is kids always saying they are gonna fight people but they ain’t gonna do it. Where the phys ed teachers take us outside even if it’s -8 degrees outside...in our gym uniforms which are T-shirt’s and basketball shorts. It’s probably knows for its mold problem that they obviously didn’t take care of over the summer so the kids had off of school for a week. It’s 5-8th grade and the fifth graders think they are better than everyone. There is a popular group. A group of hoes. The dumbasses. And the outcasts. Those are the groups of people in each grade. You’ve got to be one. Has a fire drill like 200 times a week. Has a R.I.S.E program (respect. Integrity. Self control. Empathy) that nobody ever listens to. And Lead (law enforcement against drugs) that clearly don’t work because by 6th grade they smoke weed. If you don’t vape you aren’t cool. EVERYONE HAS A SHORT ATTENTION SPAN. And nobody goes in the one hallway because someone ‘died’ there. (You never know with Williamstown Middle School)If you are new to this school MAY GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL. ps home to Dominic Tracy and his clickbaited YouTube videos.
Fifth grader: “I’m gonna be a full time famous youtuber before you and I’m gonna drop out of school and be homeschooled”

Sixth Grader: “oh my god I heard Shaniqua and Trinity are dating! That’s gay!”

Seventh Grader: “fuck you mom! i vape and you can’t stop me”

Eighth Grader: “I’m almost out of this fucking scho- oooh is that an ass I see”
“Yeah they are from Williamstown Middle School”
by Just a Williamstown Student January 13, 2018
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