The scourge of the music industry. A disgrace to the Irish people who rake in money and aren't paying tax because our backwards government gives them an exemption under a law allowing "artists" to get away with not paying up.
Westlife came on the radio, so half the room blew their brains out.
by Snake January 28, 2006
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Me: Hey look, it's Westlife.
Dog shite: I'm offended.
by Nimic March 17, 2006
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IN MY OPINION, the shittiest band to walk the planet. All they ever do is covers and completely butcher old songs.
"Oooh Mandy...AHHH!"
*gunshots are heard*
by Kay March 20, 2004
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if westlife ever beat elvis then it is a sign that the music industry has gone down the pan, they are the worst irish people ever, a disgrace to music, and ugly to boot, see teenybopper and really shit band and pop music is shit
westlife are shit
by JimmyK September 18, 2003
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crap gay twats who try to sing but just make me buy a gun!
*i'll say in a love song*
*fuk this shit kill me now* i shoot my self
by louise April 11, 2004
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Grateing teen pop boyband from Ireland who are the countries final revenge on the U.K for all the shit thats been done to them over the years.

In secret deal between the governements of both countries in late 2005 Ireland offered to take them back and promised put them beyond further use in exchange for the handover of N.Ireland as well. Sadly talks failed after the British demanded that they also take back Ronan Keating & Graham Norton, an offer the Irish Government regarded as 'Totally Unacceptable'.
'Would you like to listen to Westlife?'

'No thank you. I would rather be raped to death by a H.I.V positive cheesegrater.'
by El B@stardo February 15, 2009
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The transformation of a previously loved song into a shoddy cover version. The ruining of a musical piece by the act of making a cover version.
He totally Westlifed it. (Classic example: When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating. Find the Alison Krauss version instead, trust me).
by Chris Kaye January 7, 2007
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