Talking or typing in sentances that have never been spoken anywhere by a human before
So here i am making a couch and watching Mike Vernan eat some ducks, when all of the sudden this wooden diamond drank me. Shit.
by Atog December 20, 2004
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Usually a term of agreement (1), can also be used as a farewell (2) or a salutation (3). The definition depends largely on the inflection used.
1) "That shit is tight."
"Ya Wabba."
2) "I've got to go."
"Ya Wabba."
3) "Hey."
"Ya Wabba."
by Fred the Bible Writer March 3, 2005
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An indegenous Female Australian Aboriginal defication on a white persons penis and continuing intercourse after the feces have been left to sit for a couple of minutes
Hey boys I got flabba wabba last night from that shela down the road
by P00nslyer69 December 17, 2018
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A catchphrased used by Patty, a recurring character on the popular cartoon series Family Guy.

An overweight, red-headed, tartan-pant-wearing slob, a slight speech impediment makes it sound like that when he sarcastically announces that something is a "big whoop", puts up his dukes and asks if you "wanna fight about it".
Patty: "(Your wife and her ex-husband have) got time to bump uglies. That's right, I said 'bump uglies'. Big whoop, wabba fibe aboub ib?"

Asian Correspondent Trisha Takinawa: "How did you like the (Family Guy) movie, sir?"
Patty: "Eh, It sucked. Big whoop. Wabba fibe aboub ib?"
by stamps November 8, 2005
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W merchant never misses,wabbas,and only speaks fax tbh
Laider:fartial is dead
by W merchant August 3, 2021
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