The ultimate punisher after someone utters “ur mom gay” and “ur dad lesbian”. The peasant that hears this will get destroyed. Now while they are vulnerable, you have to say everything they tried insulting you with and yell out “ur uncle perv” to 1. Destroy their entire career and 2. Forever traumatize them. If they say “no u” you have to yell out the ultimate combo finisher “ur uncle hella perv” to end them. They can’t come back from that. If they do, use your banishment card “begone thot to banish them while destroying their entire career and forever traumatizing them.
Person 1: Ur mom gay
Person 2: No u
Person 1: ur dad lesbian
Person 2: ur uncle pervert
Person 1: collapses
Person2: ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian and ur uncle a perv
Person 1: no u
Person 2: ur uncle hella perv
Person 1: no u
Person 1: (Gets banished and is sent into the underworld)
by nut_in_my_face777 March 10, 2018
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something my friend uses ALOT which has grown on us too.
oh and shes lesbian.

my friend: ur uncle :v
by yellownotebookshauntmenow January 10, 2021
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The worst thing known to man kind, worst that ur grandpap trap.
1. Ur mom gay
2.Ur dad lesbian u w
5. Well ur granny tranny
6. Well ur grandpap trap
7 well ur uncle garfunkel
by Nitspike March 20, 2018
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that one uncle who gets so drunk he either passes out, or tries to kill you by running you over, also hes usually a trump supporter
Person 1: dude ur uncle herbert just tried to run me over with his truck
person 2: yea he always does that, that trump supporter
by thatonepedophile420_69 December 1, 2020
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utter such a phrase at the risk of the victim, it will rip them from existence itself, and there shall forever be a hole in the fabric of reality where they once stood.
Jack: ur mom gay
Tyrone: ur granny tranny
Jack: ur uncle homosexual

*fabric of reality shifts as Tyrone is engulfed by the empty V O I D*
by Lt. Lemon March 18, 2018
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the worst insult to ever have crossed mankind. Each time these forbidden words are spoken the andromed galaxy moves 10mph faster to the milkyway galaxy.
cem:ur mom gay haha.
tim: you went that way huh?ur dad lesbian
max: haha such weaklings i shall end you all ur granny tranny
saem: dont worry guys ive got this *prepares his lips* ur uncle buncle

Newsreporter: Breaking!!! The andromeda galaxy is moving faster than ever to the milkyway galaxy
by Fruit the cook March 14, 2018
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One of the most deadly roasts ever created if ur hit with one of these you are dead...
Timmy: ur mom gay lol
Bobby: No u
Timmy: ur uncle joe a toe

Bobby: *dies
by Memelunch March 27, 2018
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