its what you say when you slam a domino down on the table for 20 points.

or really anytime that the number 20 is used.
a duece and a tre and two fives on the board and you slam down big five and holla twanky
by who dat January 23, 2005
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It's an off-brand
Twinkie.You can buy them for 55 cents at the grocery
store.They aren't the Little Debbie brand.
"I said forget it,and bought some twankies."

"I'm hungry for some twankies!"
by Katelyn Poole November 4, 2009
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Another slang word for a Methamphetamine pipe
A Glass Pipe ( twanky ) with a round head and small hole ontop Packed Full of the Gods elixer or Your own Destruction

( Heated over a flame the meth melts and vaporizes, The pipe is spun to keep the meth from burning while the vapors are inhaled)
by Chronicmeister July 19, 2006
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In the north of England (UK) they sometimes describe someone (or something) as a bit "twanky", "twankie", or even "old-lady" if they are not so quick or clever, especially when it comes to use of technology.

i.e. someone who isn't able to use a mobile-phone, or a DVD player might be called a twanky. If it's the device that's at fault, e.g. an old out-dated phone, then it would be the device/phone that would be twanky and not the person using it.

I don't know where this colloquialism originates - perhaps it's a reference to Widow Twanky.

The best way of describing it would be to say that you can use 'twanky' anywhere where you might say instead "my granny could do better".
I'm having a twanky moment.
S/he's a bit twanky.
It's very old, twanky technology.
by Rebecca Harrop July 20, 2006
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My mama, mama, mama put a twanky in my bag! And she done give it to me to eat!

My mama, mama, mama put a twanky in my bag! And she done give it to me to eat!

My mama, mama, mama put a twanky in my bag! And she done give it to me to eat!

My mama, mama, mama put a twanky in my bag! And she done give it to me to eat!

by squeezy October 11, 2005
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