the game usually played by people that are really bored at a party or in long bus rides with girls and guys.
guy: let's play truth or dare
all: ok
Guy: i dare u to have sex with Amy.
by emily12324 April 17, 2005
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1.A game were you someone asks you truth or dare, if you answer truth, then you absolutely have to tell the truth on whatever they ask. If you choose dare, you have to do what they dared you to.

The only game were you can get away with licking your friends nuts, or fucking a donut, or jizzing into your dad's eye while he sleeps.
Girl: Truth or dare.
Guy: Dare
Girl: I dare you to fuck joe so hard that he begins to cry and bleed from the anus.
Guy: *sigh* Fine.
*While they fuck*
Joe:OoooOOOoooOOO This feels so fucking good.
Guy:Yeah you like it dontcha bitch?
by DontbeHatin April 29, 2005
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a game where a group of friends ask eachother in turn 'truth? or dare? and once either truth or dare is chosen they haft to tell a truth or answer a question truthfully after choosing truth, and of dare is chosen they haft to carry out a dare that someone gives them.

(truths cannot be taken back and dares cannot be skipped or passed on and if done so YOU live with the shame)

in this game a lot of fun is carried out sometimes loves are shown friendships are broken and things are regretted, but in the long run a great party game to play.

clare: so david truth or dare?

david: erm ... truth

clare: ok ... do you think im hot?

david: ... yeah


conor: so sara truth or dare?

sara: im going to go with ... dare

conor: i dare you to run around the garden twice
by AlExSwOrD August 9, 2010
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A great excuse to do what ever you want to your friends or strangers. Here are the directions:

1. Get a group of at least 3 sexy ass peeps.(Sexy is not required, but it's nice)
2. Get em drunk.(Not Required)
3.Ask "Truth or Dare?"
4.Have them do what you asked.(Whatever that may be. They get 3 chickens passes to not do the dare or truth
5.The person asked gets the turn.
6. Don't chicken and be a pussy.(Definitely Required... Don't be a bitch)
You:Hey let's play Truth or Dare!
All these hoes: Okay!
You: Truth or dare... Kaitlin?
Kaitlin(Hoe): Dare!
You: I dare you to fuck your self!
Kaitlin: (Accepts dare) -Fucks self- (Declines/Chickens Dare)Uhh.... I chicken!
Kaitlin: My Turn!
by OverwatchMercyIV January 16, 2018
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a party game where u have the option of choosing truth, dare or shot. if you choose truth, you have to answer truthfully a question; if you choose dare, you have to preform a dare; and if you choose shot, you have to drink a shot of alcohol.
dude I got so wasted last night" " yo sick" "yea i know, i was playing truth or dare or shot and i kept on choosing shot
by alexisthegoalie August 25, 2010
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when your at a party and A)wasted,shitfaced B)horny C)tripping on thizz D)bored as hell! or a combo of any of these :) It involves a jenga game with a "truth" or "dare" written on each block! Just like normal jenga you take turns drawing blocks, but instead of immediatley putting them back you do the action or answer the question on it! Then you proceed to put it back on top and make that awesome and crazy tower!

If for some (odd) reason you're being a pussy and decide not to do or answer it you have to chug a beer or take shot or hit!
Some examples of Truth or dare Jengas are:
-cuddle with the person on your(left/right/across from you/closest to your age/most drunk..WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT!)

-Streak outside
-Drunk dial an ex
-Lick something
-recieve a wedgie
-recieve a dutch oven
-trade clothes
-have people draw on you

on the other hand..some TRUTHS
-what is your favorite sex position
-tell the person you think is hottest that you do
-how many people have you had sex with
-favorite band that you don't wanna admit
-say a fear
by Du Blahst mich! October 28, 2009
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One who pwns in all matters truth and/or dare related.
Tony crawls into bed with Madeleine's slumbering father. "I'm sorry," he says. "It's just this truth or dare thing."

Tony is thus crowned the Truth or Dare Master.
by Fatimeh February 15, 2007
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