the police, cop, law enforcement officer, etc.
I just saw tro ride down my street.
by Blkspyda June 16, 2010
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King of excuses and of the inventor of the lie. You could identify Tro by asking him where he lives with a 2 month interval between each question.
"I live in a one story beach house."
"Hold on guys. I have to go downstairs and help my sister with here computer."
by Tony June 13, 2004
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1. Ghanaian slag for the popular form of public transit. Tro-tros take the form of large vans converted to seat 12-14 passengers. They are operated by a driver and mate and work along pre-defined routes. The system is best described as organized chaos.
Today I had to wait in line at Circle for 2 hours to catch the Tro-tro to Legon.
by & March 30, 2006
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A phrase that confirms that whatever was said was indeed true. It is mandatory to use the comma separating the two words.
Darnell: "Ayy Tyrone, I heard you spent your whole paycheck on KFC and Kool-Aid."

Tyrone: "Yeah tro, tro."
by emcee-squared October 2, 2017
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Someone who is:

1. Incredibly annoying. Not just regularly annoying, which suggests that it is still possible to survive being around this person for several minutes; but rather, annoying to such an extreme extent that it is impossible to be around this person for more than three seconds without committing a murder/suicide.

2. Ridiculous. Yet doesn't realize how very ridiculous they are, because they are too blinded by their own arrogance.

3. Amazingly conceited. To the point that they believe everyone loves them, when in fact, everyone is making smacking/slapping/punching/stabbing motions directed towards them when they aren't looking.

4. Phony. Someone who does nice things for the sole purpose of convincing people they are nice, when actually they are quite nasty. Also, someone who actually feels the need to describe themselves as being "nice."

5. Pompous. To the point that they believe everything they say is not only correct, but incredibly deep, unique, and thought-provoking - even if these thoughts have already occurred to thousands of others before.
"Listen to that girl go on and on about nothing. What a troed."

"That guy actually believes everyone cares what he has to say. He's such a troed."
by 853ABJ October 12, 2009
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'Troing' Is a doing word.......
(when you have driven or walked somewhere without thinking about it all the way with your head in the clouds letting your sub concious do the work.)
I troinged all the way here.....
by Al Thomas November 22, 2006
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In law, a temporary restraining order. A court order prohibiting someone from doing something.
"The court issued a TRO requiring him to stay 20 feet away from me."
by Proverbs October 10, 2005
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