(vb.) to masturbate or wank; usu. used as a verbial phrase as in 'toss off'.

Also forms 'tosser', lit. someone who masturbates, but used as a derogative.
Get outta my room you tosser! I'm not having you standing there whilst I'm tossing off.
by Wino September 17, 2004
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“like toss innit
by jattndat February 24, 2022
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either something you do to a salad, or another word for wanking. or wanking into a salad.
jamie oliver said "it's been a good night's tossing once again, guvnah."
by mike read August 8, 2003
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A nice mix of drunk and high, where you frequently feel compelled to flap your limbs around languidly. And lots of jumping, yeah, jumping.
That kid is tossed. I think he's gonna fall off the roof.
by chester January 30, 2004
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when you have to pay to participate because someone else is providing what they paid for.
i.e. if someone brings weed or booze to a party but will share only the amount someone paid for, or decided to 'toss in'
by ellah17 March 27, 2011
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"I'm just gonna have a quick toss over Jenna Jameson even though she's had more cocks than I have had hot meals"
by Foyf January 22, 2003
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the state of being inebriated enough to make up words...drunk and loving every second of it

"I'm so tossed, it's magnorious!"

"That party was amazing...everyone was tossed!"

by dattaro December 8, 2005
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