the shorted proper form of fuck
by zer0her0 August 29, 2008
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A way of saying "Fuck that" without using the actual "F word." Used by many "edgy" teens, attempting to appear hipster and rebellious.
Person A: We have 5 hours of HW
Person B: Eff that
by gtweak November 6, 2013
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Eff: Explitive loosely related to the word "fuck" but more directly related to the word(s) "shit", "damn", "crap", "holy pancakes batman" etc. Was introduced to mainstream society as a club for underpriviledged teens and quickly became a worldwide slang for "dirty" words.
"Dude, Mr. Crane is effing getting on my effing nerves."
"He's such an effing homo"
"He's a mother effer."
"You're an effer."
by Jillian S. August 2, 2005
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Electronic Frontiers Foundation
The non-profit organization trying to prevent RIAA from becoming the dictator of the world.
by NeghVar August 6, 2003
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To be High and out of your mind. (Turnt up)
This herb gotta nigga EFFE.
by Jrock3000 November 25, 2013
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Used to show displeasure with something or someone.
EFF, I just shot my self in the god damn foot.
by Anonymous June 11, 2003
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Used instead of saying fuck. When you are in company that do not appreciate the 'F' bomb.
"I'm so effing pissed, especially since I can't say 'fuck' here!"

"I really wanna 'eff' her!"
by thesumis182 May 15, 2012
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