a slapper who is on her way home the mornin after getting boned all night
look at that facking straggler man, she looks ruff as! you know what she has been doin innit LOL
by moomin February 11, 2003
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person who holds no specific employment and who tries to get by with odd jobs, sometimes referring to themself as a "contractor". Usually has no type of license whatsoever.
"Yeah, we hired some straggler to do our roof, looks like it too!!!"
by joe mcduffie June 11, 2007
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When someone breaks away from a flock of gays to be alone.
Kevin was walking with Tony and Luke, Luke breaks away from the group to walk on the other side of the street. Kevin and Tony's response way yelling, "Come on man, don't be a straight straggler.
by BV Cryptic August 14, 2013
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A word or words that are missing or cut off, mainly in instant messaging, due to lagging or hitting the enter key early.
Person 1: So, when are you going to lunch?

Person 2: In a few minute
Person 2: s
Person 2: argh, sentence straggler >.<
by aandc August 20, 2009
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The french fries that fall out of their respective containers, and are loose in the bottom of the bag.
"Are there any fries left?"
"I think there are some Bag Stragglers in there."
by Officer Dick Ramrod November 13, 2011
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The hairs that migrate down your back and get stuck in your butt crack and prove uncomfortable to remove.
by ShotgunCharlieB February 14, 2018
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