(DUMP•lingz)n. pl.
Minature turds that usually require a second flushing due to their bouyancy. Also any small reminant of a bowel movement that doesn't go down with the first flush.
Aunt Ginny left a bunch of dumplings in the toilet.
by sammer of the gods May 16, 2006
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A condition in which a person is so hungry their judgement and thought is clouded
Waiter: May I please take your order?
John: I'll have...the dumples.
Waiter: The wha?
John: Dunples.
Waiter: Do you mean dumplings?
Eric: Excuse my friend, he has the dumples.
by Zorgithatoob May 1, 2011
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Old fashioned slang for (Usually Chinese or Far Eastern) Boobies.
by asddsa January 22, 2010
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A term used by usually a guy, to describe his significant other, girlfriend, or some female of interest. It can be used in situations of loke or love.
Guy: I loke my dumpling.
Dumpling's Friend: I think you two should go out then. Such lovers in denial.
by Matt Huynh August 23, 2004
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A cooked dough based food commonly cooked in stews/soups/casseroles
by goosewing January 3, 2005
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A term that refers to a person that is constantly needing to take a shit
Jeff Labeau, commonly called dumpling, is often sighted looking down in the urinals.
by Chorgan December 16, 2007
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